Charter Members of the College Park-Sandy Spring Alumni

The following Brothers are the charter members of the College Park-Sandy Spring (MD) Alumni of Kappa Alpha Psi:


Al Howard

Henry C. Boyd Jr.

Al Wardlaw

Henry C. Boyd, III
Andre Gladden Wayne Bruce

Andre Hill

Howard L. Tutman, III
Anthony Gary Jack M. Quiller
Anthony Young Jacques Walker
Carlton M. Arrendell James M. Long

Charles Thomas

James Mable

Clarence Buck Anderson

James O. Howard

Craig Dean

Jerome D. Dillard

Daniel Crosby John D. Ellington, Sr.
David Harris Sr. Joseph Harris

Derwin J. Conwell

Keith Boyd

Devon Jones, Jr.

Kenneth D. Howard

Duane Graves

Kenneth R. Elliott

Dwann Buford


Ed B. Davis

Melvin H. Barnes, Jr.

Edward Abrams

Mike Wiggins

Edward Hayes

Philip E. Hughes

Elbridge James

Raymond C. Bowen, III

Elliott Ford

Ronald Sturdivant

Emory L. Waters

Ross C. Johnson

Gerald F. Washington

Rudolph V. Robinson


Terrance A. Robinson




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© College Park Sandy Spring (MD) Alumni Chapter (E) 2011-2025

CPSS Alumni
ATTN: Keeper of Records
9591 Baltimore Avenue
PO Box 838
College Park, MD 20740
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